Hardware Resource Research Lab

posted revised
October 7, 2024 11:22:15 October 7, 2024 11:22:15

I’m setting up a load-generator network in one of my colo labs, specifically focused on performance analysis of enterprise hardware resource testing of network devices, block storage analysis, and virtual-compute infrastructure architectures. This lab features a range of architectures: amd64, arm64, ppc64le, and I’m intending to include a decent representation of the most common enterprise NICs.

Intrigued, surely… now, why would I want to do this?

  1. This type of work is critical, ongoing, and a primary focus of my career [1].

  2. Existing services like OpenBenchmark are impractical for various reasons (comments for another post).

  3. Existing resource review and eval sites like ServeTheHome Enterprise Labs are wonderful, and I think there’s more room in the field of enterprise resource evaluation and automated performance testing.

  4. Community involvement is important for Women in Tech, as is mentoring and sharing of educational resources such as hardware research labs, plus it’s fun!

[1] My career has been strongly focused on this topic, specifically compute infrastructure performance for global CDN and HS-RPP (“Hyper-Scaler Resource Provider/Partners”: AWS, Azure, GCP, Apple, Twitter).

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